Monday, May 08, 2006

The World's Best University

I laugh when U.S. News tells me that my University is ranked 42nd, because I know their formula cannot quantify our strengths. Our University and its people need the audacity to believe in our potential influence on the direction of the world. This campus is an oasis. Ideas grow. People grow. This is the place that divides our lives. We enter as children, and emerge unrecognizable to our past.

We should walk with confidence in our balance. At the University of Chicago you would be forced into a narrow framework of constant intellectual pursuit. At the University of Arizona you would be compelled into partying and socializing. These things are harmful when not balanced by the other. Here we are given the opportunity to cultivate both our intellectual and social skills. This University allows us to craft ourselves at any point along the spectrum and it encourages the balance that forms a holistic person.

Many kids at Harvard and Yale believe they are more naturally intelligent than public school students. The arrogance that inevitably consumes students at those schools lulls them into complacency and laziness. Why work hard when you already think you're the best? I work until fatigue because I know that there are thousands of more intelligent students.

Here we can develop an eternal and insatiable lust for knowledge. But beyond that, we learn the pragmatic applications of knowledge. We learn how to change the world by putting ideas into reality, rather than allowing them to rest idly in the realm of thoughts. The greatest thinker is nothing without the pragmatic skills to bring his ideas and creativity to the common man. Plato tells us this in his "Allegory of the Cave."

Here we can sharpen our social and emotional intelligences. Much success in the real world has to do with getting along with diverse people. Our unpretentious and easy-going nature allows us to fit into any social situation.

Here we have a sense of all corners of the world. People from all races, religions, geography and wealth converge upon us to enliven our understanding.

The intelligence of our peers can be intimidating. But they fear us too, and if they don't then they should, because we're coming. They fear our balance between the intellectual and the social. They fear our acute pragmatism and ability to implement ideas.

I don't care what we are told, we can compete with anybody. This University has given me the confidence to fear no opponent. We should invite the Ivy League challenge as the chance to prove ourselves. We must maintain our fighting faith even when confronted by challenges that appear insurmountable.

We suffer from a lack of confidence. Many of us who come here were rejected by Northwestern, University of Chicago or Yale. This admissions complex has reinforced the idea that we aren't quite as good. We must reclaim the spirit of "self-reliance" and trust Ralph Waldo Emerson when he wrote, "The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried."

Forget the admissions boards, because they don't know. But we will never know if we do not thrust ourselves upon the world with the belief that we have something to contribute to the procession of humanity. We must maintain confidence against continual assault that we alone decide our worth, not U.S. News and certainly not Harvard.

We should not be timid or arrogant - again a balance is called for. Lack of self-confidence is the only thing that prevents this University from permanently establishing itself as one of the greats. People tell us that we are second-rate and we have believed them. They are wrong. Run into the dark with confidence in the weapons you have forged here.

Billy Joe Mills is a graduating senior in LAS. He thanks his father, mother and friends for selfless help with his columns - farewell to the best friends a guy could hope for. He can be reached at


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fantastic! A celebration of mediocrity.

4:58 AM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mediocrity my ass.

There are 2466 4-year colleges (private plus public) in the United States. If we rank 42nd, that places us well into the 98th Percentile.

I would assume that anyone reading this would be damn proud of achieving this kind of rank in their classes or on their GREs.

For someone working outside the box of traditional education, this is probably the BEST public institution in the country to do so, since the library here has over 10 million volumes, making it the largest in the country for a public university.

While the infrastructure is aging, the spirit of the 21st century still flows through research areas like the Beckman Insitute. Remember, it is here that Mosaic was invented, making the Web possible. Project Gutenberg is proceeding apace, insuring that the literary works of the world are preserved before their book inevitably crumble into dust.

WIRED? Hell yes.

The difference between the UofI and Harvard exists only in the minds of a few snooty HR Representatives. Most employers (outside of the HR office) think little of degrees in any case, with job experience and ability to be trained for the situation ranking much higher.

Billy Joe, I wish you and Josh the best in the world. Never, never, NEVER, look upon the University of Illinois as less than what it is--a place without parallel in the world.


10:21 AM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on graduating and all that... but seriously when are we playing poker?

Find Amenta and invite him too.

3:01 PM, May 08, 2006  
Blogger Billy Joe Mills said...


Thanks for your comments. I did a poor job with this column because finals week prevented me from giving it enough attention. I don't feel like I captured the sentiment I aimed to. However, in many ways you did in your post. I have a good deal of confidence and pride in how this place has formed me, however, I did not articulate it clearly.

10:57 PM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello tc, i hope you dont mind me quoting your 98th percentile comment. I think its great. Way to take down that mediocrity comment!

Good article billy, however once again, you have been bested by tc (just kidding). im done on thursday, im thinking we play poker on friday, and then i graduate on saturday...

Remember what i always said, "Liberal means, for conservative ends!" muahaha


10:22 PM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and what are you supposed to be? Some sort of a huge nerd?

5:32 AM, May 11, 2006  
Blogger Jon O. said...

Thank you for writing this - my thoughts exactly.

7:05 AM, May 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emilio, Billy Joe will have his revenge by being able to blog for 30 years after I'm dead and gone. He'll do fine.

Congratulations to all of you. I hope you've got jobs or grad school lined up. To a certain extent, you've restored my faith in yoots.


8:24 AM, May 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Congratulations and good luck on whatever is next for you.


8:50 AM, May 11, 2006  
Blogger Billy Joe Mills said...

TC, Bambenek, Wally, Emilio, Jon,

Thank you guys for the support and helpful criticisms over the semester...they have been appreciated. As for the future of this column and this blog...this summer I will continue to have my column run in the DI, but I am uncertain about next semester (I am still wait-listed for law school here). So I will post those columns here. Most of my blogging will likely be confined to:

I encourage everyone to check it out...there should be multiple contributors with frequent postings...but it's likely I will post things on both sites.

4:23 PM, May 11, 2006  
Blogger EJ said...

Beautiful work Billy Joe! I have enjoyed reading all of your articles! Keep up the great work! If you are home for the summer a fishin' we shall go!

7:11 PM, May 15, 2006  

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